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Simplify Your Way to Serenity

Some people feel very comfortable doing their work in a busy coffee shop. The noise of the machines, gentle music and general conversations around them blur into background noise that helps them concentrate. 

Some people couldn’t imagine getting anything done in this environment. The random events of noise and people would make it very hard to focus on the laptop in front of them. Feeling anxious that their productivity could be affected, they might opt to put in some headphones, drowning out the noise with their own comforting playlists and helping them get their work done.

In both instances, the comfort and motivator of productivity is predictable consistency. Those who enjoy the sounds of the coffee shop do so because it’s predictable. They do not expect a three-piece band to march through the door at any time, interrupting their focus. They are secure in the gentleness of the environment and the consistency it brings every time they come to do some work. 

Even those who choose to put on headphones do so because it ensures a bit more consistency in their surroundings. They may know exactly what song comes, or at least that the music is in their control should they need a change. 

This idea can be translated to our private workspaces as well. When we know we are sitting down to work in a consistent environment where comfort is in our control, it creates a sense of readiness in us to tackle our workload. 

The same can be said for our living spaces! When we have clean sheets on the bed, a tidy living room, and an organized kitchen, we tend to breathe a little easier. Organizing and decluttering also remind us of the things we have and the things we need, helping us plan for the future in a more educated way.

So, we know that decluttering our physical environments provides us with consistency and comfort that boosts our mood and productivity; but how often do we think about doing the same thing to our mental clutter?

July 12th is National Simplicity Day and a great opportunity to take a look at our way of processing mental challenges. It’s hard to see the big picture when so many obstacles hinder our goals. A little tidying up of our way of thinking might be the ticket to better mental wellness.

Mental Noise

Mental noise describes a myriad of cognitive distractions that prevent us from thinking clearly. One of the most common is ruminating on the negative. When things aren’t going well, it is perfectly human for us to begin focusing on all the other things going wrong. This clouds our perception of things, however, and leads to us having trouble unwinding our emotions from possible solutions. 

It is possible and beneficial to catch ourselves in this action and clear out some of that negative noise in favor of hopefulness and gratitude. One of the simplest ways we can achieve this is by thinking of our own successes. Taking mental inventory of all the things we have overcome can empower us to remember our own capabilities and remind us that we can overcome. A little self-confidence can go a long way in helping us to chase away our negative thought processes and clear some room for healthier thinking.


The other major mental noise factor that affects many working professionals are external distractions and constant sensory input. While having every website and document open that you need in a day may make going through your morning rounds a bit easier, when it’s time to focus, all those dings and chimes and the string of noisy tabs at the tops of our screens could be chipping away at our focus. 

Opening a singular, stand-alone tab and allowing ourselves to focus on one task at a time can make a world of difference. Simplifying the things we can see and the things we have to hear means telling ourselves it’s okay to dial in before adding more to the plate. An hour of dedicated work time can be much better than several distracted ones. 

Keep It Simple

Enjoying National Simplicity Day can be done in lots of different ways! Releasing ourselves from some mental clutter can help us get rid of physical clutter as well. The name of the game is personal wellness. Striving for healthier and happier ways to go about doing our everyday tasks is never the wrong answer. Spend some time freeing up mental space for the good of your goals and wellness today!

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